Corporate Booking  


Dr Marie-Christine is committed to helping people improve their health so they can achieve their potential and live productive and vital lives. As part of this commitment, Dr Marie Christine regularly gives corporate talks and seminars on a variety of topics including health and wellbeing, stress management and the importance of self-care and self-responsibility.  

Her talks help to create employees that are happy, healthy and fully engaged in the workplace and as a result, reduce absenteeism and lower staff turnover. Indeed, organisations that perform well are those that understand that an employee’s health is an essential component of its success.  

As an expert in educating on employee health, Dr Marie-Christine has developed a series of affordable packages that are designed to improve the health, energy and performance of your employees and increase overall performance and productivity. Each of these packages is based on the belief that by improving a person’s health, you can change not only their lives but the lives of those around them.  

To improve the performance of your team, get in touch with Dr Marie-Christine today. You can also book Dr Marie-Christine to feature on your podcast, webinar or online seminar or as a guest at your medical, health or local corporate event.  


Contact Dr Marie-Christine here: