Dr Marie-Christine Dix Dr Marie-Christine Dix

What Are Adaptogens, and Should You Add Them to Your Diet?

What Are Adaptogens, and Should You Add Them to Your Diet? Why we need adaptogens?

What are adaptogens ?

How do adaptogens work?

Where do I get adaptogens from and how do I include them in my lifestyle?


Adaptogenic Protein Smoothie

Adaptogenic Latte Recipe

Adaptogenic Hot Chocolate Recipe

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Dr Marie-Christine Dix Dr Marie-Christine Dix

Say thank you and show appreciation

Our bodies are working 24:7 365 days a year to keep us safe, well and functioning so that we can enjoy and partake in this thing called life.

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Dr Marie-Christine Dix Dr Marie-Christine Dix

How to use Medicinal Essential Oils for Stress

Stress impacts your life in a wide range of ways and can either be episodic stress, acute stress, or chronic stress. The most common type of stress is acute stress, which is temporary and usually short-term.

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Dr Marie-Christine Dix Dr Marie-Christine Dix

Mantras and Affirmations for Stress

Mantras and Affirmations for Stress. When you are trying to reduce your stress, there are many methods you might want to try out. This includes having healthier habits, eating right, exercising, finding out what your stressors are, and many other options. Another great idea is to use mantras or affirmations each day for stress, which can be used in a variety of different ways.

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Dr Marie-Christine Dix Dr Marie-Christine Dix

6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm

Dealing with burnout or being overwhelmed are both consequences of high amounts of stress. With overwhelm, you might be experiencing stress for a long time, which leads you to become overwhelmed with everything you are thinking and dealing with at the same time.

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Dr Marie-Christine Dix Dr Marie-Christine Dix

How your diet impacts your emotional stress

When you start looking at ways to reduce your stress levels, you probably focus on how much work you are doing, what your daily responsibilities are, and whether or not you practice good self - care. These are all very important, but don’t forget about the simplest choices you make every day that could be impacting your stress.

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